Day 1: Teresa and Laura picked us up at the airport and took us to Mieke and Matt Smythe's house. Teresa was visiting from Seattle. It was homecoming in Canandaigua. We took a little stroll around the track at the football field and took in the homecoming atmosphere. Laura played with my camera -- especially the "choose a color" setting. Mieke made awesome chili and desserts which began a week of too much good food
Day 2: Sunday we headed out to Bloomfield to see Grandma and Grandpa. We also got to see more family because Ilya was having his 2nd birthday party. We saw a Praying Mantis which was a big hit. I also got to hold the newest Damaske - baby Sophia (Sonya). It didn't las long though as you can see!
Day 3: Monday was a lot of fun. We had fun playing with Ilya, Jona, and Hannah. We all watched Uncle David aerate one of the greens. Tractors are so cool!
Day 4: Grandpa (dad) took us shopping in the morning and we picked out an awesome Dora the Explorer winter jacket. Then we visited Grandma at Bloomfield Central. I told Marisol as we walked the halls that this is where not only Mommy, but also Grandma and Grandpa went to school. Her response, was "Me too!" I didn't want to burst her bubble so we didn't discuss that this was not a likely possibility.
After the game my parents drove us over to GiGi and BG's house. Marisol proceeded to fall asleep in the van on the way there and never woke up again that night... she only had a 20 minute nap! oops.
Scrubbing the deck at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Day 5: When Marisol woke up the next morning her and GiGi were very happy to finally get to see each other!
Day 6: In the morning our friend's Lisa and Robbie came over to the May's to play. Then we went to Eastview mall with GiGi in the afternoon. (No visit with Nonna GiGi would be complete without a shopping trip!!) She bought Marisol beautiful patent leather shoes. She wears a size 7 now!!
GiGi brought us back to Grandma and Granpa's which started a whirlwind of an afternoon. We were all home within 15 minutes of each other and it was a beautful day so we went for a long walk on the golf course. Then we had a great dinner -- Marisol was very excited and kept saying "Everybody, Everybody!" After dinner we had a bonfire complete with grown up drinks and toasted marshmallows. And we ended the evening with, what else, the hottub.
Day 7: Friday morning we got to a slow start (after our crazy night!) Then we headed over to the Smythe's to play again. We had a lot of fun with Mieke, Jonah and Hannah and Mieke was being her normal, creative self and the kids made cool button necklaces. From there we headed to Laura's house in Ithaca. I was SURE that Marisol would sleep in the car. No such luck. So she skipped nap. It didn't matter because we went to the COOLEST playground ever and it kept everyone happy. Mom and Dad drove down to Laura's after school and we all ate out -- including Uncle Timmer
Well, all good things must come to an end. And so did this wonderful vacation!! On saturday Mom and Dad drove Marisol and I back to DC. They spent the night with us and Sunday we went to the Natural History museum which was really cool. They have a butterfly display and a new ocean display. It was another beautiful day and Marisol got to go on a Carousel AGAIN. Lucky girl.