Our Princess turned 3 on July 2nd... We went back to Rochester to celebrate and to visit both of our families before the baby came.
Marisol got her own big girl bed for her birthday from Mike and me. It is a purple, Tinkerbell bed, with a canopy. She picked it out herself (on the internet) and loves it! She was sleeping in it a lot for most of July, but is pretty much back in our bed now... for reasons you will see below
This is one of the sunsets we got to see while we were home at my parents. Marisol and I loved being outside every day and visiting with all of our friends and family.
And our biggest news - the arrival of Gerard Walker! He made his big appearance 2 weeks and 1 day early on July 23rd. So I have 2 July babies now
My parents took this picture of a rainbow over the birth center where we had Gerry - this was just a little more than an hour after he was born. It was a pretty crazy day -- for us and weather -- there were storms on and off all day. I thought it was appropriate -- Gerry was like my rainbow after a crazy day of labor! He came so fast compared to Marisol -- we were only at the Birth Center for about an hour and he was born!
Two of the awesome midwives from the birth center. They came to see us the next day at our home. We only stayed at the birth center for 4 hours after he was born.
Too cute! And already well dressed thanks to his Grandmother and Aunts!
Big sister love
Sleepy head!
Who is that giant next to our baby?? Oh, that's Marisol!