On the way back to the car after seeing Santa, she turns around in her stroller and looks at me, "Mommy, where are my presents??" lol
Marisol is becoming really good at playing computer games by herself - mostly on the laptop - she is really good at the pad and moving the mouse... anyways, she ran into the playroom where I was changing her brother and said something like this:
Marisol: Mommy, mommy, I need you , I need your help! (this was very excited, and involved a lot of jumping around, running etc. Who said computer games are sedentary?
me: You need help with your computer game?
Marisol: Yes, the mouse keeps jumping around.... like.. like... like... (I thought she was going to end this with a big ME, cause she was jumping around so much... and she did, but with a twist!) like... me when you try to cut my nails!
hahaha, we've been trying to cut her nails for over a week now. What a great analogy!! (or was that a simile? help me out English majors!)
Finally, we met friends at the library yesterday and I told her to tell them that we saw Santa... so she did... then when my friend exclaimed excitedly, she added, "But I didn't get my presents yet... it's not Christmas yet..." do we see a theme here?
Gotta go, she just ASKED me to cut her nails! I'm not kidding!!
Update: I was too slow... now she's not ready to cut them... oh well!