Here is Marisol all comfy on the train. I think this may have been before the train even started moving.
A few hours later she decided the train wasn't that much fun and wanted to get off! But she rallied and did just fine. There were two little kids next to us, a brother and sister almost 5 and almost 3 years old, that helped to entertain her. Gerry insisted on "walking" the aisles holding either Mike's or my fingers and we made lots of friends that way.
This was the scene in our room less than 2 hours before the wedding! We actually left a few minutes later, ha!
Karen did such an amazing job with everything! She did pretty much everything herself, with help from her parent's, sister, and friends (oh yeah, and Ryan and his family too, of course!). The wedding and ceremony were in Lincoln, MA about 1/2 hour outside of Boston at a beautiful place called Codman Estate.
Cute flowers and candles on the stone wall.
A few self portraits of me and my little man a little before the ceremony.
Mike and Marisol in the garden where the ceremony took place. It was so beautiful.
Marisol, Uni, and Molly.
Our two cuties! I quick snapped these and then Gerry fell down!
Marisol snapped this one of me as I walked up the "aisle".
Let the fun begin!
Karen and Ryan, what a great looking couple!
Karen's sister, Melissa, and her boyfriend Nate.
Mike and the kids looking at a hawk!
Karen's dad, Jim, and their dog Sidney with Marisol.
What a beautiful night... almost a full moon.
mmm this flower the photographer gave me is yummy!
Can I have the camera too?
The cake was as yummy as it was pretty!
Kathy (K's mom), Karen, and Melissa
Karen and Marisol cutting a rug!
What a fun night! I was impressed that the kids made it as long as they did (past 10) and we all had such a great time. It was such a beautiful wedding and we were so happy to be there and be part of it.
The next day we had a pool/pizza play date with our cousins - John, his wife Janet, and their 18 month old son Noah.
What a big boy!
John, Janet, Gerry, and Noah
Close up of the boys.
Train ride home... Marisol slept the first 2-3 hours. This time there were minimal delays and we were back home around 11 pm on Saturday. What a great wedding and weekend!