In the same vein -- she was singing "Do Re Me" the other day (Sound of Music was one of her first favorites! My mom, dad, and I got a big overdose of it on one of our rides from Rochester to DC -- we could probably all go years before seeing/hearing that one again!) anyways.... she started changing the words to "Do Re YOU!" It is so funny!
"Mommy, I love your big tummy! I love your big dress!" (what a compliment!)
"Amarillo, get set, go!"
Marisol: Mommy, you look like a princess... is that a dress? (I had a blue maternity tank top on with some ruffles)
Me: No it's a shirt, but it kind of looks like a dress, huh?
Marisol: I like your shirt and pants. You look like a princess (sugary sweet smile)
I love that she compliments me already! :-) AND she says "I love you" a lot lately which of course melts my heart -- whether it is to me or some other loved one.