So we are in a period of uncertainty right now. Mike has his last week of classes this week and finals next week. Three weeks from now his family comes here for graduation and the weekend after we are meeting my family at a beach house at Jersey beach! The past 21-22 months have FLOWN by, I can't believe he is almost done with school! The uncertainty is due to the fact that he hasn't found a job yet. So we don't even know where we will be 6 months from now!
But even with the uncertainty it is a time of great happiness and excitement. Our baby is due in just a little over 3 months! Hard to believe... this pregnancy is definitely going faster than Marisol's and I am starting to feel big now. Also I look forward to the changes that are coming even though we are not sure exactly what is in store for us. I am looking forward to my babysitting gigs winding down -- actually I haven't watched the little boy at all since his baby sister was born about 6 weeks ago. And I only have a little more than a month left with J, little almost 18 month girl. She is transitioning to daycare in June. I am hoping that Mike can at least find some temp work so we have some income. I am really looking forward to time for Marisol and I... it should be about 2 months of just us before baby #2 arrives on the scene to disrupt Marisol's little world

. And it will be hot here and our building has a pool which I intend to take full advantage of! Marisol loves to swim and I am sure it will feel great when I am 8-9 months pregnant! She is ready for a break from having other kids here too. Our plan is to stay here at least till the baby arrives because we have insurance. If Mike doesn't get a job soon after that though, we will probably move home to be with family and save some moola! Rent here is crazy! So we have a plan and there are lots of happy things coming up so we are keeping things in perspective, even with the poor economy. Mike is really working hard and doing all he can to find a job.
Marisol is at a very fun AND challenging stage right now. Her imagination is just taking off -- we have imaginary friends (often Dora, Boots, and Diego

) with us at all times. And whenever we go anywhere she has to bring lots of STUFF -- it helps her get ready and make the transition. Her sleep is very erratic right now too. If she naps at all - even 25 minutes - she will be awake will midnight or 1! And if she takes a LONG, late nap then I know that I am going to be up even later! But if she makes it without a nap she will often go to sleep around 8 pm. It is challenging for me, but actually some of our most fun times are when she is up late. She is just at her best at this time, it seems to be her natural body rhythm. She will play for hours! And she does sleep late almost every day too usually at least 10 am. So we are managing! I do look forward to her making the full transition to no nap though, and hope that will at least give us a more regular sleep schedule.
Well I think that about does it! Life at the present for the Mays.....
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