Monday, April 9, 2012

Things they say


"I like when they do flashbacks" (watching the show, "Too Cute" I had explained flashbacks while watching the movie "Fly Away Home" the previous week)
"Length times width equals area" - as she measured the height of the egg yolk I blew out from eggs to color for Easter. She learned the formula from Cyber chase - of course!

"Who knew?" ... babies could be so heavy? ... Flying kites could be so tiring? (she says "Who knew" a lot lately! These are the only two I remember)

"You need to focus!" to me... can't remember why or when. Guess I need to focus ;P


"I not don't want...." He's into double negatives right now.

"Phew!" complete with a swipe of the hand to his brow.

"What dhat sound?" about anything he hears

"I want doe friend's house" which is any of many friends - he loves playing with other people's to

"To infinity and beyond" Toy Story is a favorite around here - the way he says it is way cuter, but I'm not sure how to write it.

"All aboard! Team Geotrax!"


Doulabug said...

Both of those kiddos sound pretty smart! I'm so glad you are blogging more!!

Susan May said...

Mary Ann - so good to hear from you! Yes, I'm getting back into the swing of things... How are you??