So the month of May has been a busy and crazy one for us! (kind of like us busy and crazy Mays

) June is looking to be just as much fun...
First Mike's sister, Stacie, and her boyfriend, also Mike, came to visit for a weekend. We had a lot of fun checking out some of the DC sites with them and eating yummy food. One memorial that we visited that was really cool was the Fallen Officers Memorial. I had never seen it and it is really pretty and well done. It was all the more interesting because Mike (Stacie's boyfriend) is a police officer in Rochester and they found all of the names from the Rochester department.
The next weekend was Mike's graduation and we had more visitors: Nonna Gigi, Grandpa BG, Aunt Stephanie and Will came from Chicago, and Aunt Stacie again! It was a great weekend - the weather cooperated - it was hot, but we didn't have any of the showers that were predicted. It was the perfect way to celebrate the end of business school. It is hard to believe that Mike is finished and that we have been here for almost 2 years! Mike's ceremony was very nice and the reception was in the new (BIG) business school building on Georgetown campus. Unfortunately he didn't get to enjoy the building at all during his time here, but they did finish in time for the reception! Marisol had a lot of fun with her cousin Will, we went out to eat a lot again, the zoo, and enjoyed seeing all of our family.
Memorial day weekend we headed up to New Jersey to meet my sister, Laura, her boyfriend Tim, and my parents. Laura and Tim did a house exchange with their tenant - her parents came up to stay at their house for graduation weekend at Cornell, and we got to use their AWESOME beach house. It was a great deal for us! The weather was nice and Marisol loved the beach!
Now we are in the process of packing. We are getting ready to move to a new apartment 2 weeks from now! It is a basement apartment and a little bigger than what we are in now. It has 2 bedrooms (we are ready for another bedroom!), laundry (this is HUGE, especially with baby #2 on the way and back to cloth diapers!) and my favorite -- we can use the backyard! There is a nice patio and we will be able to grill. Plus there is a playground practically in our backyard, and the post office, grocery store, library, and several other restaurants/stores are all in walking distance. Perfect for a stay at home mama without a car! yay!
I will post some pictures of all the fun times we have been having...