Friday, January 4, 2013

A Bedtime Conversation

We took this picture today, 1/4/2013 2 days after Marisol marked 6 1/2 years

There are some days when I just wish I had a camera (or at least a audio recording device!) capturing the moments. Tonight was one of those times. Marisol and I have the best talks at night sometimes and I'm glad that I'm learning to be patient and not try to "rush" her to sleep (like anyone can be rushed to sleep!) Everything that came out of her mouth tonight was just so brilliant and wonderful and I'm sure that I won't be able to remember it exactly but I want to at least get some of it down.

First we were laying down and I was attempting to read a magazine to her about birdsong. It talked about how the birds syrinx is right at the top of their bronchi so they can make two different sounds at once and that caught her interest... for a second. Then she was off, "I often wonder... how do I talk, how do I move, how do I..." (imagine slow hand and arm gestures accompanying this line of thought)

Then another tangent, "Why am I me, Why am I you?" Oh wow. Very deep. She repeated a couple times and more thoughts and then started to say, "Why am I me, why am I NOT you..."

Then she started to ask me why girls like "girly" thing. For instance pink. I tried to talk a little bit about cultural influence but didn't do a very good job. Oh well. I was doing a really good job Listening which is something I'm working on.

Then suddenly we had to make a trip to the bathroom. This is another one of her favorite places to have deep (and long) conversations. She calls it the thinking spot.

So she then told me her theory of girls growing and changing. "When babies are born all they want is milk. They don't care about anything else, just nursing and sleep. Theeeeeen, they grow up and we get to toddlerhood. And that's when you start to learn about the world."

When she got up to girls about her age they like horses and pink - of course.

"I looooove to talk on the potty! (insert lots of potty talk here and funny faces. I won't get too specific for everyone's benefit) And finally "Toilet talk's done!"

Oh my goodness, this girl is killing me tonight!

Back to bed and she talked about ways to get her bed up to the same level as the big bed. And finally she snuggled down next to me and read to her about noisy oceans and she went to sleep. Which is what I'm going to do now that I've recorded this memorable night of conversation with my 6 1/2 year old love.