Playing with GiGi and Marla
I want to remember two things from Christmas eve mass this year. As they were carrying the baby Jesus up to the manger scene I whispered into Marisol's ear, "See baby Jesus?" and she said loud and clear "Baby!" Too cute. Then later in the service the priest was giving his homily and talking about how incredible it is that God became man and came to us as a little baby. Just as he was saying that Mary would have to change his diapers Marisol said "uh oh!" so that everyone could hear. Everyone laughed including the priest and he said, "Uh oh is right!" or something like that.

How come we always take two pictures -- and in one Mike looks goofy (look at the eyes above) and in the other I look goofy (look at my eyes below)? Either we need to start taking 3 pictures or I need to learn how to digitally alter pictures and take one of our heads off of one picture and transfer it to another!

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