We seem to be past the initial adjustment period of becoming a big sister and she regularly tells me that she loves her little brother. She calls him "little boy" and "Ger bear" and touches his cheeks lovingly. She is starting to help me entertain him by making funny faces and bringing him toys. She also tells Mike and I how much she loves us innumerable times every day - Mike think she is going to drive her first boyfriend crazy!

This past weekend we took her to see "The Princess and the Frog" and she really liked it. At church she danced to the music (we have very talented musicians - a pianist/organist, violinist, and cantor with a beautiful singing voice), and at Wegman's she picked out the BIGGEST Sleeping Beauty helium balloon that you have ever seen (I think it may be bigger than her!)
Gerry is doing really well too and will be 6 months old this Saturday. He continues to be very happy and laid back - even maintaining his even temper the past few weeks fighting his first bad cough/cold WHILE cutting his first two teeth on the bottom. I can't believe my baby is already getting teeth!! He watches us eat very closely so we are going to start trying some food and see how he does. He is wriggling and rolling all over the place when put on the floor, and loves his toys and exersaucer (his "office"). And my favorite thing is that he "goes" on the potty every day a few times - almost every time upon waking up, and usually after eating! We still use diapers but EC (Elimination Communication) part-time has been a lot of fun.
I often wish I could remember more of these moments... but it will have to do to record "snapshots" when I have the time and energy!
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